Course Work

Coursework at CMI

These are the course which I took in TIFR while doing my PhD and in CMI during my bachelors. I have also added the course resource links along with the topic names.

TIFR Courses

Aug-Dec (Sem 1)

  1. Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
  2. Algorithms
  3. Probability

Jan-May (Sem 2)

  1. Computational Complexity Theory
  2. Algebra, Number Theory and Computation
  3. Combinatorial Optimization

CMI Courses

Aug-Nov 2021 (Sem 1)

  1. Algebra I (Linear Algebra)
  2. Analysis I (Real Analysis)
  3. Classical Mechanics I
  4. Functional Programming in Haskell
  5. English

Jan-Apr 2022 (Sem 2)

  1. Algebra II (Group Theory)
  2. Analysis II (Euclidean Space)
  3. Discrete Mathematics
  4. Probability Theory
  5. Advanced Programming in Python

Aug-Nov 2022 (Sem 3)

  1. Algebra III (Ring Theory, Field Theory)
  2. Analysis III (Metric Space)
  3. Theory of Computation
  4. Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  5. Calculus

Jan-Apr 2023 (Sem 4)

  1. Complexity Theory
  2. Topology
  3. Complex Analysis
  4. Programming Language Concepts (Java Programming, Concurrent Programming, Lambda Calculus)
  5. Differential Equations

Aug-Nov 2023 (Sem 5)

  1. Algorithmic Coding Theory
  2. Parallel Algorithm and Complexity
  3. Quantum Algorithmic Thinking
  4. Commutative Algebra

Jan-Apr 2024 (Sem 6)

  1. Expander Graphs and Applications
  2. Algebra and Computation
  3. Quantum Information Theory
  4. Economics